The Epsom intersection recently dubbed the worst in regional Victoria has been highlighted in State Parliament this week.
The Nationals’ Member for Northern Victoria Gaelle Broad has asked the Minister for Roads and Road Safety to provide an urgent update on what action is being taken to improve the safety of the Midland Highway-Howard Street intersection and access to the nearby Epsom Primary School.
Ms Broad recently inspected the notorious intersection and found it chaotic.
“I have previously raised concerns about the poor condition of roads in regional Victoria and the need for additional funding to maintain and improve the safety of our roads,” Ms Broad told Parliament.
“The RACV recently released the My Country Road survey, with more than 7,000 responses.
“The results identified that the most dangerous intersection in regional Victoria is in the Premier’s own electorate at the junction of the Midland Highway and Howard Street in Epsom, north of Bendigo.
“It is a very busy and dangerous intersection, with cars, buses and trucks.
“It has been the site of many accidents and near misses over the years, and several children have been hospitalised. Concerns have also been raised by parents of children attending the nearby Epsom Primary School.
“This is an urgent matter for the Minister to address.
“Labor can’t manage money and can’t manage our roads.”
Media Contact: Linda Barrow 0484 303 764