Dear Editor,
It’s alarming to see Premier Jacinta Allan claim to support local residents with the cost of living while diverting billions of dollars away from the northern Victoria region to fund city-based projects.
Take the over $200 billion Suburban Rail Loop, already plagued by billions in cost blowouts, draining funds from critical infrastructure and services in regional Victoria.
In addition to increased land taxes, the Allan Labor Government has introduced a new tax on vacant land which is stifling development, making it harder than ever before for homes to be built.
Premier Allan’s ideological gas ban for new homes and businesses, and forcing the replacement of gas appliances means landlords will be forced to pass on the extra cost of changing over to their tenants through higher rents.
In a desperate scramble to raise more revenue, the Premier has even proposed a death tax on grieving families, with a portion of their loved one’s estate going to the Allan Labor Government.
Why should regional Victorian residents pay billions for a city project that offers no benefit to them when they can’t even get an ambulance when they need one?
Financial mismanagement by state and federal Labor Governments continues to drive up inflation, making the cost of everyday items such as groceries and utilities more expensive
Victorians will soon be paying $1 million every hour to pay the interest on Labor’s debt.
Imagine how those funds could be better spent to provide services in health, education, fixing roads and tackling crime in northern Victoria.
The Allan Labor Government can’t manage money and can’t manage projects, and regional Victorians continue to pay the price.
Yours sincerely,
Gaelle Broad
The Nationals’ Member for Northern Victoria.
Media Contact: Linda Barrow 0484 303 764