Dear Editor
I write to congratulate the team and huge number of volunteers that contributed to the success of the Australian Sheep and Wool Show in Bendigo last weekend.
The show was a credit to CEO Margot Falconer and her team, and President of the Australian Sheep Breeders Association Peter English and the committee.
It was a great success despite the cold and at times wet and blustery weather, which upended some of the stallholders’ marquees on Saturday morning!
Around 27,000 people – and 2000 sheep – attended the three-day event, which is the largest of its type in the world. It was absolutely packed, with people attending from right across Australia.
A highlight was the sale of a central Victorian ram that exceeded show records, fetching $25,000.
The Keep the Sheep campaign received a lot of support at The Nationals’ stand.
The resilience and ingenuity demonstrated by the organisers in the face of adverse weather conditions was commendable.
It is no small feat to ensure that such a large-scale event runs smoothly under perfect conditions, let alone when the weather is not on your side. Yet, they created an environment that was not only welcoming and engaging but also safe and enjoyable for all attendees.
The event showcased Australia’s world class sheep industry, with purebred sheep, fleece competitions, and sheep dog trials, as well as the many industries that ‘spin’ off it including wool and crafts, delicious food and stunning fashions.
I look forward to next year’s event and hope the weather will be kinder in 2025!
Gaelle Broad
The Nationals’ Member for Northern Victoria Region
Media Contact: Linda Barrow 0484 303 764