The Shadow Minister for Water Tim McCurdy today met Huntly residents to discuss the impact of
recent multiple flooding events in the area.
He inspected several properties and held a public listening post at the Huntly Hotel.
Mr McCurdy was invited to see the damage and hear first-hand reports from residents by the
Nationals Member for Northern Victoria Gaelle Broad.
He said after years of successive flooding, the community had had enough and wanted to see action.
“Residents are deeply concerned about several key points including planning and development
issues; the need to clear Bendigo Creek and Back Creek; and persistent buck-passing between
authorities,” Mr McCurdy said.
Ms Broad held a roundtable with affected residents and water experts in February, soon after the
most recent floods, and has also raised the matter in Parliament.
“People’s homes have been flooded multiple times and their gardens and yards have been destroyed.
The impact is extremely distressing,” Ms Broad said.
“I have called on the Premier, who is also the local member, to work with the City of Greater Bendigo
and allocate funding in the upcoming State Budget for better planning and drainage infrastructure in
Mr McCurdy thanked local residents for their time and willingness to share their experiences.
“The community have given us a valuable opportunity to see first-hand the devastating effects of
these ongoing flooding events,” he said.
“These discussions will play an important role as the Nationals continue to advocate for local
residents on this issue.
“We don’t want to see yet another repeat of these destructive floods in the Huntly area.”
Media Contact: Linda Barrow 0484 303 764