Local residents are being urged to take photos of the worst potholes in their area in a competition aimed at pressuring the Allan Labor Government to address the appalling state of regional roads.
The worst potholes will be used in a 2025 “Potholes for All Seasons” calendar that will be presented to Premier Jacinta Allan and Roads and Road Safety Minister Melissa Horne later this month.
The statewide competition is being run by The Nationals and Liberals.
The Nationals’ Member for Northern Victoria Gaelle Broad said regional roads were in a terrible state due to years of neglect and cuts to the road maintenance budget by the Labor government.
“I am constantly being contacted by people upset and angry about the shocking state of our roads,” Ms Broad said.
“This is a massive issue right across northern Victoria. Every day cars are being damaged, and lives are put at risk.”
Ms Broad said the government’s own data showed road maintenance works in regional Victoria plummeted by 95 per cent last financial year.
“In addition, a government survey last year found 91 per cent of roads analysed were in poor or very poor condition.
“The condition of regional roads is now the biggest safety concern for motorists.”
Ms Broad said the “Potholes for All Seasons” calendar should be hung on the office wall of the Premier and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety as a daily reminder of the Allan Labor Government’s neglect and disregard of regional road users.
“We must continue to pressure the government to fix our roads, and this is one way local residents can do this.”
Motorists should only take photos of roads where they can do so safely and without putting other road users at risk.
Pothole photos can be uploaded at www.potholepics.com
Media Contact: Linda Barrow 0484 303 764